Transmission Oil - For heavy equipment such as tractors and forklifts
LSTH OIL | 470 | 570 | CLK TM-500 |
Portion (15/4 ℃ ) | 0.862 | 0.865 | 0.856 |
Kinematic viscosity (40 ℃ ,cSt) | 46.86 | 56.90 | 48 |
Kinematic viscosity (100 ℃ ,cSt) | 7.52 | 7.80 | 8.52 |
Viscosity Index | 120 | 119 | 158 |
Pour point ( ℃ ) | -38 | -38 | -36 |
Flash point , COC,( ℃ ) | 240 | 240 | 239 |
Copper plate corrosion 100 ℃ * 3Hr | 1a | 1a | 1b |
Bubble SEQ Ⅰ (24 ℃ ) | 5/0 | 5/0 | 10/0 |
Bubble SEQ Ⅱ (93.5 ℃ ) | 20/0 | 20/0 | 30/0 |
Bubble SEQ Ⅲ (93.5 → 24 ℃ ) | 5/0 | 5/0 | 10/0 |
Advantages of Transmission Oil
Tel. +82-55-336-0700 | Fax. +82-55-338-8832 |
Email :
Headquarters : 528-25, Jangbaek-ro, Beopsu-myeon, Haman-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do, Republic of Korea
2nd factory : 12-40, Masa-ro, Saengnim-myeon, Gimhae-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, Republic of Korea